We took off the day after Whitney finished with work to visit family in Indiana and Ohio. The primary purpose of our trip was Tasha's high school graduation, but we were also able to visit lots of other family members. On Thursday we drove to Cincinnati to our cousin Rhonda's house. There we got to spend time with Whitney's Mom,Stepdad, Aunt, Uncle, and several cousins. It was a beautiful day and Eli loved jumping on the trampoline. It was too short of a visit, but very nice to see family who live too far away :-(
There is never enough time when we are in town to see everyone, but we did enjoy seeing the Cross family (Grandma and Papa and Melanie's family) as well as our friends the Arndts (Grady is 3 1/2 and Macy is 18 months). Some highlights included Eli's exploring of the pool, fishing (he caught "fwee fish" with hot dogs!) in the backyard pond, and celebrating Tasha's graduation. Even though it was a long commencement ceremony, Eli was a trooper and on the way home announced that he was "Very patient!". What a talker! (This was after he pointed to his play watch and said it was getting dark soon).
Now that we are home it's time to start some serious packing! Yes! We FINALLY got a good offer on our house, so we're closing on June 26 and moving about 3.5 miles away to a larger home. Pics to follow!